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n.  someone who speaks the language of light. photoglotism n. [f. Gk. phôs-, phōt- ‘light’ + Gk. glôtta  ‘tongue’]

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FotoPalabras – Primera Edición (Español)

PhoScope supports diversity: 500 million people speak Spanish worldwide, including 55 in the US. Download FotoPalabras, 1˚ Edición pay what you wish, your donation is deductible.

PhoScope apoya la diversidad: 500 millones de personas a nivel mundial hablan Español, con 55 en los EEUU. Descargue FotoPalabras, 1˚ Ediciónpuede pagar lo que quiera para ayudar PhoScope.

Las ideas empiezan con las palabras: todos los fotóglotas pueden reflexionar sobre fotal temas.

Translation from English: Manuel Gutiérrez, Juan José Acosta

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PhosWords – Second Edition (English)

PhoScope’s lexicon continues to expand the discourse of light. Download PDF: pay what you wish, and remember that PhoScope is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit so your contributions are fully tax deductible.

Ideas start with words: as photoglots, you can now reflect on photal issues in entirely new ways.

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PhotoMots – Première Edition (Français)

PhoScope translated PhosWords in French: download PhotoMots, 1ère Edition it is free but you can pay what you wish, just remember that your donation supports phototecture…

PhoScope a traduit PhosWords en Français: téléchargez PhotoMots, 1ère Edition c’est gratuit mais vous pouvez payer ce que vous voulez, vos dons soutiennent la phototecture…

Les idées commencent avec des mots: de nouvelles perspectives s’ouvrent à tous les photoglottes pour réfléchir sur d’innombrables sujets photaux.

Translation from English: Nathalie Rozot

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PhosWords – First Edition

Everything You Always Wanted to Say About Light(ing Design) but Couldn’t Put Into Words
Our new publication gives you +450 words with definitions, etymological roots, synonyms and antonyms. It’s free, but we would welcome a donation- we suggest $10.00. PhoScope is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit, and your contributions are fully tax deductible. Download PDF.

The completion of PhosWords, 1st edition was supported in part by The New School University (sabbatical leave).